Word of the Year?

Weekend Word Watch

The Word of the Year, according to Miriam-Webster Inc., is w00t (those are zeroes).

The word of the year doesn't have to be a new word, just used a lot that year.

Miriam-Webster describes the term as meaning "yay," and "it could be [exclaimed] after a triumph or for no reason at all."

According to Wikipedia (truly a better source for this particular information) says "w00t (pronounced, and sometimes spelled, "woot"; IPA: /ˈwuːt/) is a slang interjection used to express happiness, excitement or joy, most often expressed via the Internet. The expression has been used in Usenet posts, multiplayer computer games (especially first-person shooters), the IRC and SILC chat protocols, instant messages, weblogs, and web forums.

In second place is "facebook" as a verb ("I met her at a party and then facebooked her.").


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