
And now "open" online education has Nixty

logoIt is a website that let's you take and create courses for "free."

They are starting with courses available from open-source sources (like MIT's OpenCourseWare Project), but Nixty users will be developing new courses using the site.

The Nixty LMS has tools typically found in systems like a grade book, ways to test and discussion areas. There are already "free" and open learning management systems (like Moodle), so, I suppose what is new here is the combination of offering courses and a way to create one if a topic is missing.

It sounds like Nixty is more open than free though. They have plans to introduce a payment system for courses that would allow a course creator/instructor to charge students who want to enroll. Instructors will pay $4.99 a month for three courses and also a commission of 20% of the "tuitions."

They also plan to partner with some online institutions. No college credits are issued, but they may try to arrange credit using the College-Level Examination Program.


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