Threadless Graphics


Back in 2007, I posted this little mention about Threadless and portrayed it as:

a kind of web 2.0 site for t-shirts. You can buy shirts (and other items) but also submit your own designs for possible use, rate those submitted, and submit photos of you in their t-shirts. They choose designs each week by customer voting and they pay for the designs they use. Sounds like a great opportunity for a new student artist to get some exposure.

Your account also allows you to blog a bit, add RSS feeds, Flickr links, your bookmarks etc., so they have turned their store into a kind of social network site. Very 2.0.

The site is still running strong and features lots of other items besides shirts - like iPhone cases -  and they still have some great crowdsourced designs.  Check it out at


Parents Invoice Pearson For Using Their Kids for Field Tests

Here's an unusual story concerning standardized testing. Some concerned parents in New York have drawn up a bill of about $38 million to Pearson LLC for using their children as uncompensated research subjects in field tests of their commercial product development process.

They came up with the amount by calculating the value of their children’s free labor and included the opportunity costs of lost instructional time and resources, plus the real costs to schools of administering the June tests.


The invoice was shown at a press conference on June 6. It was also noted that at they were aware of at least 37 New York City schools that  had parents opt their children out of the tests and 30+ schools on Long Island saw test refusals. 

more info at

MOOC Summer School

The Summer School project allows students to potentially pick up credit through one of their partner schools or many others that are willing to take a look at NCCRS-recommended exams. On the Saylor blog, I saw that:

...the CUNY Baccalaureate for Unique and Interdisciplinary Studies [is] helping to spread the word and reminding folks how our summer school courses can be used as electives or to fulfill certain core requirements. How can this news help you? We know you probably don’t attend CUNY. So how does this apply to you? Well, maybe as a source of motivation: why not take one of our courses and see what your Registrar’s Office is willing to do for you in terms of credit? Ask some questions, pitch the idea, give it a whirl! If you or your school has questions, we at the Saylor Foundation are just a phone call or email away.

A Toolkit to Rethink Planning and Designing a Next Generation Learning School Model

FREE WEBINAR:  A Toolkit to Rethink Planning and Designing a Next Generation Learning School Model

Thursday, June 13, 2013, 3:00-4:00 PM ET 

Speaker: Dave Edwards, Quality Assurance Director, iNACOL

Are you a forward-thinking educator interested in starting an innovative K-12 next generation learning program or moving your current program to the next level? If you are, you have probably been looking for that resource to help you start the planning and designing process. Well, look no further. In this iNACOL Special Edition Webinar, participants will be introduced to RETHINK: Planning and Designing for K-12 Next Generation Learninga toolkit created
by Next Generation Learning Challenges (NGLC) and iNACOL to guide district, charter, and school leaders as they conceptualize, design, and develop a next generation model school. This toolkit can help you and your team understand next generation learning and the need for change; gain a working knowledge of the planning and change management processes; plan and design a framework for next generation learning; and understand how to ensure quality and continuous improvement for your design. This flexible and dynamic resource offers links to existing communities who are currently planning for and/or implementing next generation learning. It also offers an overview of critical topics, each of which includes an introduction, a set of guiding questions, and resources and tools centered on the topic that you and your team will need to tackle while planning and designing your program. So, what are you waiting for? Join in the webinar to learn more and give your students the powerful learning opportunities they’ve been waiting for!
