MOOC Summer School

The Summer School project allows students to potentially pick up credit through one of their partner schools or many others that are willing to take a look at NCCRS-recommended exams. On the Saylor blog, I saw that:

...the CUNY Baccalaureate for Unique and Interdisciplinary Studies [is] helping to spread the word and reminding folks how our summer school courses can be used as electives or to fulfill certain core requirements. How can this news help you? We know you probably don’t attend CUNY. So how does this apply to you? Well, maybe as a source of motivation: why not take one of our courses and see what your Registrar’s Office is willing to do for you in terms of credit? Ask some questions, pitch the idea, give it a whirl! If you or your school has questions, we at the Saylor Foundation are just a phone call or email away.


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