Reading Our Own Statistics

OK, we have all Googled ourselves to see what turns up. It's a modern day form of staring at your navel. And web servers offer all kinds of statistics about sites - who visits, when they visit, what they look at...

This Serendipty-powered blog offers that too. I hadn't checked the stats before today, but here are some things that it tells me.

Our first entry was February 2. 2006 and as of June 25. 2006 and we have 79 entries. Here are 3 stats that I found interesting.

Not surprisingly, the top ten visited articles on this blog are all older postings. The lowest are the ones that have been posted in the past week, which tells me that the entries have "legs" and a life beyond the day that they are uploaded. Here are the top ten articles visited (and, of course, there's no way of knowing if the article was "read":
This conference is only online (HigherEd BlogCon 2006)
11548 visits
Online Socializing: How Are Schools Reacting?
10184 visits
William Gibson - his blog
9885 visits
Personal Broadcasting: Podcasting and beyond
8499 visits
Hot Issues in Ed Tech at the Campus Technology Conference on Education Technology
8408 visits
Education Bridges
7477 visits
Roadmaps Through the Blogosphere
7391 visits
Mashing It up in Philly (NEWUG WebCT Regional Conf)
7372 visits
Thoughts at the Podcasts, Wikis and Blogs Seminar at NJIT
7082 visits
Do Professors Enjoy Teaching Online?
6930 visits

Where do people find this blog?,
One thing that's clear here, it's Google in its many incarnations (like on our university site, in Australia, Mexico and Sverige (that's Sweden).

The ten longest articles are listed below - they're not the most visited, so does that mean that people prefer the short articles? Personally, I'm not a fan of blogs that just give you a summary of some other blog or article and then link to it. I prefer to get the story there and have the links be extensions (links to further info), but maybe the one paragraph entry is what people want to read. If USA Today is McPaper, maybe I should buy the domain I just typed that fake URL and then decided to check it out and guess what - uh huh, someone already has it!

  1. Social Computing (NJEDge.Net Best Practices Showcase)
  2. K12 links
  3. You've Been Facebooked!
  4. Online Socializing: How Are Schools Reacting?
  5. What should you read next?
  6. Lifelong Kindergarten
  7. Personal Video Online: YouTube and others
  8. Answers to the ultimate questions
  10. The Evolution of the Web: Big Waves

We'd be glad to hear your reactions to the stats or thoughts on blog entry length and content.


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