Now your shoes can talk to your iPod

  1. Get a pair of Nike+ shoes with the built-in pocket under the insole
  2. Get an iPod nano
  3. Get the Nike + iPod Sport Kit

The two companies held a press conference with seven-time Tour de France champion Lance Armstrong and marathon world record-holder Paula Radcliffe, Nike CEO Mark Parker and Apple CEO Steve Jobs. They announced a new partnership.
The surprisingly dull name of their first joint product is Nike+iPod Sport Kit. It's an electronic sensor under the inner sole of a Nike running shoe (called "Moire", that's MOR-ay - as in "moire pattern"?). The sensor uses a sensitive accelerometer to measure your activity,
then wirelessly transfers this data to the receiver on your iPod nano. It gives runners voice prompts — even if their music is playing — and tells them things like how far they’ve run, the number of calories burned and the duration and distance travelled. All the information can be uploaded to a PC where your progress can be tracked (or shared) on the Nike Plus website.

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