Conference on Interoperability June 19

June 19, 2006
NYNJA STARS is the New York/New Jersey Association Supporting Teaching and Research (that's way too many letters!) and it's a consortium of colleges that use Blackboard products (they were formerly the NY/NJ Blackboard Users Group).

Their Second Annual conference focuses on "Interoperability" and will be held June 19, 2006 at Princeton University. Their website is at

NJIT is a WebCT campus, but since the two companies have merged, at some point in the next few years we will be using a "Blackboard" product. Perhaps user groups will also merge - currently we are active in the Northeast WebCT User Group (NEWUG) and though these groups were started around support for a product, our real concerns with pedagogy etc. are product neutral and it would make sense for there to be some user mergers.


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