Was Leonardo da Vinci a critical thinker?

Summer Institute for Faculty Development (with participants from Hudson County Community College, New Jeresy City University, Passaic County Community College) - June 21, 2005

My framework for this full day seminar was the seven principles that guided Leonardo da Vinci's own learning. For example, what da Vinci may have called connessione (connections), we might call "systems thinking." Leonardo's blending of arte and scienza could be compared to whole brain activities or interdisciplinary studies etc.

Within that frame, there were interactive exercises that require critical and creative thinking both for classroom use and for professional growth. The activities are based in different disciplines and address topics that include evaluating materials on the Internet, creativity vs. creative thinking, abstract language and problem solving strategies. The day was originally inspired by ideas presented by Michael Gelb in his book How to Think Like da Vinci.

If there's interest, I'll post more about the sessions later.


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