Roadmaps Through the Blogosphere

I've already written here about academic blogging but I want to add some information that will help you find blogs that deal with your interests.

Bloglines is a free online service for searching, subscribing, creating and sharing news feeds, blogs and rich web content. No software to download or install -- simply register as a new user and you can instantly begin accessing your account any time, from any computer or mobile device. Bloglines connects you to dynamic content that is being created and distributed over the new "live" web. You can make your own personalized news page tailored to your unique interests from their index of tens of millions of live internet content feeds, including articles, blogs, images and audio.

Bloglines not only helps you collect all the feeds that interest you in one place, but is also a good place to just search for blogs by keywords.

There are so many blogs that we need ways to search the blogosphere. Google has, of course, entered the fray with their blog search engine. Using it, I can find a blog about social computing, such as

What are the most popular blogs right now? You can check out the always-updating list at Technorati However, view the list as you would view the most popular movies and books lists - not necessarily the BEST blogs, but the most popular. There's plenty of trash out there too.

Academics Blogs - Blog Top Sites


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