
SketchUp is a new, fairly simple tool for creating 3D shapes
that Google (who recently bought the product) has made available for free.
(There's also a Pro 5 version for $495.)

You can create or take an existing shape and push/pull it to create a 3D shape.
You can control color and texture and shadow casting. There is a collection of pre-drawn components to speed up drawing - and help the less artistic of us. There are also many libraries of forms and finished 3D objects (buildings etc.) People create and share objects in this "3D Warehouse" space.

One of the popular uses of these creations is that they can then be displayed in Google
. (If you have never played with Google Earth, download it! Just zoom in on your home and a few spots around the world and you'll be hooked.)

Check out some of the models in the Google Warehouse.

Sketchup is available for Windows XP and "coming soon" for Macs.


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