Today Is Poem in Your Pocket Day

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April is National Poetry Month and one way to celebrate is with the first annual Poem in Your Pocket Day.

It's a simple idea. Select a poem you love, print a copy and carry it with you to share with co-workers, family, and friends today, April 17.

The hope is that poems will be taken from pockets and unfolded throughout the day with events in parks,
libraries, schools, workplaces, and bookstores.

If you need a poem to carry today, I'll suggest a few here. Choose some lines that catch your ear or eye.

  • "The stain of love / Is upon the world." A Love Song by someone who wrote nearby where I am now seated - and such a good stain it is...
  • "a child's blood so red / it stops a father's heart." This father's song is not what the lines may seem, though there's caution and risk...
  • "Your baby grows a tooth, then two, and four, and five, then" - ah, yes - then what?
  • "My friend says I was not a good son / you understand / I say yes I understand" a poem that happened just yesterday

There are many poems old & new that you can find using the search or the wonderful collection of poems selected by Billy Collins at the Library of Congress Poetry 180 site.

Teachers: if you create your own event, you should pass it on to the organizers at the Academy of American Poets.


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