21 More Things To Know

The always useful 7 Things You Should Know series from the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI) has added a few new titles since I was there last. Each one is 2 pages and highly-reproducible as a double-sided handout for workshops. They are very good introductions to tech tools & topics written for a general education audience.

The three new in 2008 that I downloaded (as PDFs) last week are about Flickr (the photo-sharing site) and about Google Apps and a about Lulu (the self-publishing service).

If you're new to the series, you'll discover those from the past few years on topics familiar to most of you who read these posts (like blogging or collaborative editing) as well as topics that may be new to you (like digital storytelling or haptics)

As someone who spends a good amount of my time working with and "training" faculty, I find they are usually topics I am aware of but useful as starting points for faculty members who are newbies to these topics.


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