Curriki Global Collaboration


Tim passed on this educational network to me. There are so many coming online that it's hard to predict which ones will get the most traction and survive.

Curriki is meant to be a community of educators, parents and students collaborating to develop creative and effective educational materials that the global educational community can use for free. It's certainly a noble goal.

Their initial focus is on K-12 curricula in the areas of mathematics, science, technology, reading and language arts, and
world languages.

Their goals are to develop curriculum through community contributors,deliver the curriculum globally and determine the impact by project and by individual.

Though I'm not directly involved in K-12 efforts currently, I continue to rub my eraser whenever possible on the line between K-12 and higher education. Minimally, I would suggest that you browse their groups by subject and see what's being offered.

I checked out several including educational technology. There I found a group for OLPC Indian Curriculum Repository for students aged 6-15 years, and a collaboration area for the Nortel LearniT staff and friends. Contact with Indian teachers or creating connections to resources like the Nortel staff alone might be a reason to join. You'll need to become a member to access materials if you want to do more than browse.


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