This conference is only online (HigherEd BlogCon 2006)
HigherEd BlogCon 2006 seeks to engage the Higher Education community in a conversation on the use of blogs, wikis, RSS, audio and video podcasts, social networks, and other digital tools in a range of areas in academe. Oh yeah, it's being held online, April 3 -28. And it's free.
Participants will publish articles, podcasts, and screencasts sharing their findings and experiences using these new technologies and inviting your participation through comments and questions.
The first presentation that caught my eye was one on alternatives to the traditional lecture: "Giving the students what they want: Short, to-the-point e-lectures" by Mark E. Ott
It's a PowerPoint with audio. Nothing new there. But I like that he talks about using such things (he likes the term screencasts) to do things other than lecture - like review for exams.
Watch the presentation - here are some points to consider:
- the way you need to chunk material into small, digestible sections.
- copyright considerations (what you use in class under "fair use" isn't fair when you post it online for any viewer)
- how a screencast is like a podcast/vodcast. It's like an “enhanced podcast" though not probably intended for viewing on a mobile device like a video iPod with its small screen.
In these days of shrinking budgets, a conference that won't require reimbursement seems a natural.
Check out the event and presentations at
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