Online Video for the Year of You Name It

Though I have personally have dubbed 2008 "The Year of Open Everything," many other "official" designations have been given to this year. There are plenty of charitable and other special causes and issues that have the year locked up. I came across a few that have some educational applications when I was looking at Annenberg Channel for this month. (if you don't know about the Annenberg Channel, check this post.)

For example, The International Year of Planet Earth offers some possibilities for science, social studies, writing, debate... try "The Habitable Planet: A Systems Approach to Environmental Science" or "Earth Revealed" or "Planet Earth" For the Year of the Frog, check out "The Habitable Planet."

Last month, I was compiling a list of online video sites for the high school teachers I was working with at SPHS. Unfortunately, it turned into a list of sites that were blocked by the district content filters because are streaming video sites or some such ridiculous designation. (You can't trust C-Span Classroom?) Anyway, the list is still useful as sources of good online video for education and these are not sites that teachers typically use.

  1. Animal Planet
  2. CNN Student News
  3. Court TV - Choices: Plotting Directions with Today's Youth
  4. C-SPAN Classroom - Clip of the Day
  5. C-SPAN - American Presidents: Life Portraits
  6. C-SPAN - Week in Review
  7. C-SPAN - Students & Leaders
  8. C-SPAN2 - Book TV
  9. Discovery School - Video Clips Screening Room
  10. Broadband Showcase
  11. The History Channel - Video & Speeches
  12. HGTV - Video Guide
  13. MSNBC - News Video
  14. MTV's Think - Education
  15. The Pentagon Channel


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