E-Learning Pick of the Day
It's good that others are keeping up on things because I am falling behind.
I haven't posted much lately about e-learning, but Jane Hart of the Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies posts her E-Learning Pick of the Day - a daily item of e-learning interest.
She was smart to narrow her blog's focus. With all the categories I have here, there are still things that I want to write about that don't fit in any slot.
Here are 3 examples that I pulled from her daily picks:
Web2PDF Online is a free HTML to PDF Conversion service for your websites that allows your visitors to quickly save useful information in your blog/website to PDF files.
OpenProj - a free, open source project management solution to replace Microsoft Project, and other commercial project solutions. Ideal for desktop project management and available on Linux, Unix, Mac or Windows.
LectureShare lets instructors make lecture notes, audio and video available to their students - or the world - by giving "students access to course materials without the burden of maintaining your own webpage or the hassle of complex web-based solutions."
Students can "stay organized with course materials and announcements for all of your classes is gathered in a single location.
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