Open Student Television Network

Our Internet2 regional network gigaPoP, MAGPI , recently formed a partnership with the OSTN (Open Student Television Network). OSTN provides educational, foreign language, news and entertainment IPTV content and services. Internet Protocol Television IPTV is content that, instead of being delivered through traditional broadcast and cable formats, is received by the viewer through the technologies used for computer networks. OSTN features the only 24/7 worldwide channel exclusively devoted to student-produced programming. They have 41 million subscribers at 4,500 university member campuses and 36 countries around the globe.

OSTN is accessible at colleges and universities around the world. At some institutions, it is broadcast 24/7 on a specific channel on televisions on the college's or university's closed-circuit cable television system. In some cities it is a channel on a local cable television system. I'm more interested in the schools where it is available to computers on a college's portal or through the college website. In New Jersey, Princeton University, the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, New Jersey Institute of Technology and Seton Hall University are members. In North America, OSTN uses Internet2's advanced network to distribute
programming to members.

I'm particularly interested in that part of the MAGPI discussion is about OSTN's potential K-12 expansion channel. OSTN runs several media festivals and I'd love to see a new media festival for K12 student film and video.

OSTN will be represented at the NJEDge.Net Annual Conference later this month with a keynote by Rich Griffin, their VicePresident of Technology.


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