What's on my iPod? Part 1

I listen to a lot of podcasts each week. It has become the radio station that I can program myself. There are so many shows (some are truly radio programs - like NPR programs - some are only podcast) that I can't get to hear when they are broadcast because of my work schedule, that my little cheapo iPod shuffle has become my VCR/TiVo for audio. I rarely put music on it, and I refresh it with new podcasts daily.

A few programs I enjoy have video versions or are video only - those I watch on my laptop since my shuffle has no screen. Honestly, about half of those video podcasts work just as well as audio-only.

Don't know how to download podcasts or subscribe? I have pretty simple directions on our Podcasting at NJIT site. And remember, you don't have to have an iPod or any mp3 player to enjoy podcasts - just a computer, internet connection & some free software. The mp3 device (iPod or otherwise) is only if you want to take it with you and listen with those annoying ear buds while you are walking, jogging, working in the garden etc. You can also buy mp3 adapters for your car stereo and listen while you drive.

There are links below to the show sites, the hosts' own websites and the all important xml address that you can paste into iTunes or whatever you use to subscribe. I'm only listing free podcasts here.

Inside the Net - focuses on one product or service per show, often with the owner/creator, features many "Web 2.0" items

Hosts: Amber MacArthur and Leo Laporte


Le Show

Not tech. Humor, satire, news, eclectic music.

Host: The great Harry Shearer, musician, actor, writer, satirist and the voice of Mr. Burns, Smithers, Rev. Lovejoy and others on The Simpsons.


GizWiz - Quick, daily podcasts (around 5 minutes) that look at one new or classic gizmo, gadget or tech thingie. Though it's a tech podcast, it's very informal and aimed at a general audience.

Hosts: Dick DeBartolo (Mad magazine's maddest writer) and Leo Laporte (yeah, he does a lot of podcasting)


Bookworm -  If you were a writer, you would want host Michael Silverblatt to be your reader. If you are a serious reader, you'll enjoy these in-depth interviews with writers of poetry & fiction.  Show site

Host: Michael Silverblatt


Leo (Chief TwiT)

This Week in Tech

AKA TWiT. A rambling show on all things tech with a group of highly opininionated experts in video, software, hardware and the Net. Some episodes are also availabale as video podcasts.



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