Did the UK Buy YouTube?

Did I miss something while I was away last week?

I went to my YouTube site that I created to use with my course and noticed that when I put in the URL I have always used http://youtube.com/user/MSPTC it now goes to http://uk.youtube.com/user/MSPTC.

Did someone in the UK buy out YouTube or Google? Did they move all their servers over there to save money? (I know the American dollar is not particularly strong right now...) Is it just me or my laptop, or is this happening to all of you? I went to plain old http://youtube.com and even that is now the UK version. Invasion of the URL snatchers?

It's late and I need to go to sleep or I'd do some searching. Maybe I'm just too tired. Of course, if I sleep there may be a YouTube pod left in my home...

Any reader out there know what's up? Please post a comment.


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