Philip Rosedale on Second Life

Rosedale's avatar in SL

A Brief Look at Second Life - video of a presentation by Philip Rosedale, CEO, Linden Labs (the folks who do Second Life) The presentation is done using Second Life running behind him to illustrate his talk.

It's a nice introduction to SL if you're new and an interesting look at SL from the CEO point of view. He certainly sees SL as an entrepreneur's world and not an educational tool.

You can also watch a panel that he participated in called "How Real is the Virtual Web?"

These presentations and others at the site are from the Stanford Summit.
"The Summit is a two-and-a-half-day executive gathering that highlights the significant economic, political and commercial trends affecting the global technology industries. The Stanford Summit features the most innovative companies, eminent technologists, influential investors and journalists in keynote presentations, panel debates and private company CEO showcases. The Stanford Summit's goal is to identify the most promising entrepreneurial opportunities and investments in the global tech industry."


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