Rip, Mix, Burn Commercial Style

"The idea of using consumer-generated content and putting together a bunch of unrelated videos to tell one story was so exciting we wanted to move on it,"
says James O'Reilly, KFC's vice president of national marketing.

According to a story in story in USA Today , Kentucky Fried Chicken decided to search YouTube and other video share sites for content. They were not necessarily looking for KFC video, but for people celebrating with fist pumps, jumping, shouting and general merriment.

Those snippets chosen were mashed into a commercial where, in that context, those foklks are getting excited because the KFC bucket is back with no trans fats.

Tonight, on American Idol, KFC will run the ad which they call "Celebration."

KFC searched the Web for the videos, evaluated 400 possibilities, asked for permission on 35 to show them in a KFC ad, and then settled on 13 for the final cut.

The 15 second commercial (here on USA Today's site prefaced by a bumper ad itself) hasn't hit YouTube yet, but it probably will eventually.


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