Developing a Mindset for Workplace Learning

Jane Hart  is the Founder of the Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies (C4LPT) and someone I follow online. Her book, Modern Workplace Learning: a resource book for L&D, is a good read on that topic and she hosts MWL Association and the Social Workshops on her website.

One of her 2016 posts points out that workplace training is often interchangeably called workplace learning, and they are not one and the same thing - though we might hope they would be. She defines workplace training as "telling people what they need to learn, how they need to learn it, when they need to learn it, and making sure they do it." Her interest is in workplace learning and that involves much more and is rapidly changing. She suggests the need for a new definition or even a new mindset about learning in the workplace. I think that her suggests about what this new mindset might include offewr some suggestions that apply just as well to the classroom workplace.

Here are Jane's suggestions about elements of that midset, via her post at

"A mindset that recognises that most learning happens as a natural part of work – through daily work experiences and interactions with colleagues and others – and that this type of learning is of no less importance than the learning that comes from being taught or though self-study.

A mindset that appreciates the fact that people are learning as much for themselves by using the Web in their daily activities – to solve their own performance problems and to keep informed about their industry and profession – and that this needs to be promoted and supported rather than banned or ignored.

A mindset that values workplace learning in ALL its forms – and it is not just about organising course and resources FOR people, but also involves encouraging, enabling and support self-organised learning

A mindset that realises that it is not about tracking and measuring what people have learned, but evaluating the impact that it has had on job, team and business performance.

A mindset that understands that the world is changing fast and that nowadays everyone has a responsibility for learning in the workplace.



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