Connected Educator Month
Connected Educator Month
This year’s celebration will focus on the following themes who will be led by the organizations listed below. ?Each theme will have a page dedicated to the activities and adventures they will lead during October.
Future Ready - Led by Cable Impacts Foundation: How do you make a school “future ready?” What combination of infrastructure and devices, pedagogy and professional development, curriculum and content, leadership and culture will enable schools to effectively prepare today’s students for tomorrow’s challenges in college, career or civic life? Explore the answers to these questions and the best tools and resources for helping schools make that future ready transformation.
Innovations in Assessment - Led by the National Council of Teachers of English: Assessment is something educators use daily to gauge what students are learning and inform how they teach. Assessments come in many different forms and serve different purposes. However, most public conversation around assessment tends to focus on state testing and its use for evaluating teachers and schools. How might we shift the conversation toward a more holistic and well-rounded understanding of how we can know what kids know and can do?
Social and Emotional Learning in School Settings - Led by a coalition of projects and Centers at American Institutes for Research: Researchers continue to show the importance of supporting the development of children’s and youth’s social and emotional skills in school settings. As a result, education policymakers, district and school administrators, teachers, and popular media have invested greater attention to understanding, planning, and improving education systems that promote Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), a process through which children and youth develop and apply the requisite knowledge, attitudes, and skills that enable them to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make ethical decisions.
Broadening Participation in STEM Education - Led by the CS10K Community: In today’s global world, we need students with strong backgrounds in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Of particular importance is broadening participation in these fields by underrepresented populations, including racial and ethnic minorities, women, and students with disabilities. Connected education helps to level the playing field as teachers and students alike are able to leverage the power and potential of technology to strengthen their learning and collaboration with peers near and far. Join us as our partner organizations shine a light on the importance of STEM and connected learning.
Connected Learning in Time & Space - Led by Educator Innovator: Powerful learning occurs when youth, driven by their own interests, are supported in being creators and not just consumers of knowledge. In this theme, we’ll focus on how we can create opportunities, time, and space for all youth to be agents in their own learning. In most learning spaces today, time and space are precious commodities, and learners, as well as their teachers and mentors, are challenged to find time to deepen learning through connecting passions and interests, personal or political, that cut across the different spheres of young learners lives. Join as we use Connected Learning principles to support the sharing of ideas and strategies throughout October and beyond.
Sparking Creativity & Curiosity in Students and Schools - Led by The Teachers Guild: Teaching is the most human centered profession. So, let’s build on other’s creativity, and design new ways to light up curiosity in our classrooms and schools! Throughout the month, we invite you to collaborate and make each other’s ideas awesome. Join our collaboration, connect with other teachers, and design new solutions for your students and schools together.
Building Quality Beyond The Bell - Led by Beyond the Bell: Afterschool and expanded learning programs provide a place for young people to grow and learn during their out-of-school time. Research shows that high-quality afterschool programs lead to improvements in school performance, including decreased disciplinary incidences and improved school day attendance, course grades, and standardized test scores. In addition, participation in afterschool programs has been associated with improved socio-emotional skills and beliefs such as improved self-perception, interpersonal behaviors, and decision-making skills.
Innovations in Professional Learning - Led by ASCD: ASCD believes that effective professional development must be customized to the individual needs of a school or educator and focused on building professional capacity. Importantly, professional learning must be job-embedded – included in each educator’s day-to-day professional life – rather than limited to a few designated inservice days. Consistent innovation in the way professional learning is delivered and consumed can keep educators prepared to meet the goal of education: to prepare all students for a successful future.
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