What's In A (Credential's) Name?

The Lumina Foundation is worried about credentialing. They feel that with a widening range of certificates, badges, experiential transcripts, industry certifications and licenses, in addition to those traditional college degrees, we are left with a fragmented system for job seekers and employers.

What do those credentials represent? What rigor is behind them? Whose standards do they meet?

Lumina already sponsors a Degree Qualification Profile, which attempts to define what a degree should mean. Now, they are suggesting a "Lingua Franca for Credentials" that would create a common language across systems. They released a beta version of the framework, which experts from the Corporation for a Skilled Workforce and the Center for Law and Social Policy developed. Dozens of contributors from other groups also helped create the template.

More at https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2015/06/12/lumina-led-group-seeks-develop-common-framework-credentials


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