What Makes a Digitally Competent Teacher?

Looking at this infographic on the "7 Characteristics of a Digitally Competent Teacher," I can imagine that most teacher would add to the list.

1 You can integrate digital skills into everyday life: digital skills are transferable.

2 You have a balanced attitude: you are a teacher not a techie.

3 You are open to using and trying new stuff: find digital tools and explore how they work.

4 You are a digital communicator: you can use email and social media with ease.

5 You know how to do a digital assessment: you’re a sound judge of the quality of information, apps and tools

6 You understand and respect privacy: you treat personal data with the respect it deserves

7 You are a digital citizen: you know how to behave online appropriately and you’ll pass it on to your pupils

I agree immediately with all of them, but #4 sounds dated. You need to be comfortable with a lot more than email and social media today, though it would be hard to list the definitive programs or apps that are required to pass the competency test.

What would you add to the list?


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