Getting a New York Times Education

MOOCs and companies partnering with MOOC providers to offer mini/microdegrees are a new approach to higher education that can be viewed as a threat, alternative or innovation. In the past decade, the entrance of for-profit colleges and universities were seen as a threat. Some of those have failed and some have succeeded. The latest news in this line is that The New York Times will be entering education in a bigger way.

The new NYT EDUcation is a collaboration with the CIG Education Group. This not the paper's first attempt to enter education. Their Knowledge Network was an online education program started in
2007 that partnered with colleges (including Stanford University and USC) that eneded in 2012.

NYT EDUcation is in the process of assembling its management and curriculum development team, planning courses and programs and expects to offer its first courses in fall 2015.  “All the options are on the table,” said Michael Chung, chief executive of CIG. Some courses could be online, others could meet face to face, or they could be hybrids."


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