Are These The Consumer Tech Trends for 2015?

According to Amber Macarthur, these will be the "5 Life Changing Tech Trends for 2015." These lists are always arguable and rarely accurate, but still interesting.

1. Connected Cars - Are you ready to get out of your car and then let it drive on and find a parking space, park and wait for you to call it so that it will come back to you?

2. Wearable Technology - Eager to wear technology? Forget about the time and your steps - check your bank account on your wrist.

3. Consumer Robots - Vacuuming the house? Hah, that's baby steps.

4. Smart Homes - Yes, your NEST thermostat controlled from your smartphone is cool. Now it is time for your washing machine to tell you at work that a load is finished.

5. Visual Social - Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat and whatever pops up this year is all about visual. Instagram has 300 million monthly active users with approximately 70 million photos shared every day.

Do I sound a bit sarcastic and doubtful?  You bet.


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