Teaching Data Literacy

Data literacy is just one of the many literacies that have become part of the curriculum, especially in high schools.

MIT's Civic Data Design Lab is collaborating with New York City Public Schools on a data literacy project called City Digits. They have a on a three-year grant from the National Science Foundation "to think
about how to create a mapping tool that could teach youth about a civic
topic while supporting their mathematics education."

The City Digits project is part of the grant which aims to promote civic engagement while teaching data collection and analysis skills. The first module of the project is "Local Lotto" which started last fall and has students interviewing buyers and sellers of lottery tickets to collect "both quantitative and qualitative data. The students are studying sales volume, purchasing habits and community opinions about the lottery.

On the tech side, students use geo-spatial technologies on tablets to collect and analyze the data. They do data analysis and have to present an argument using multimedia based on the data collected.



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