Where are the comments?
If you have tried to make a comment on a post here at Serendipity35 lately, you will have found that they are turned off. After an attack months ago that left us with many thousands of spam comments, Tim turned off the commenting feature. If you try to comment, it will reject it.
That is a sad thing because, although we didn't get all that many comments considering the number of hits the site gets, it was good to read them.
I still love to look at the recent visitors widget on the site and see where people are coming from who are reading my posts. It is very international. (So were all the spambots.)
I also know that some readers have gone to the trouble of doing a search to find me on LinkedIn, twitter or other places and contacted me.
So, this is just to say that it's not that we don't want to hear from you. We just can't deal with the spam right now. If a better software solution becomes available, we'll hear from you again in the future.
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