Oregon State U To Offer MOOC for K-12 Educators
Oregon State University (OSU) will launch a massive open online course (MOOC) for K-12 educators this fall in partnership with Stanford University and the Oregon Department of Education.
The course, "Supporting English Language Learners under New Standards," will begin on October 1 and run for eight weeks. According to the university, it's intended to help K-12 teachers support English language learners, and it will focus on how English language learners construct claims supported by evidence, which is a key practice in both the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and English Language Proficiency (ELP) Standards.
The course is open to teachers from around the world but may be of particular interest to those from the 11-state ELPA21 consortium, which is developing an assessment system based on the ELP Standards...
Read more at http://thejournal.com/articles/2014/06/17/oregon-state-u-offers-mooc-for-k12-educators.aspx
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