The MOOC of One

I have given several presentations in the past six months on MOOCs and audiences are always interested in the future. After all the hype that MOOCs received in 2012 and 2013, I expected the crash of attention and favor.

I'll have more to say on the future of the form, but in brief, I feel that it will have less traction in academia with formal, credit courses and greater traction with non-credit programs, lifelong learning and professional development.

The slides below seem to be moving in the same direction of thinking. In this talk, Stephen Downes looks at the transition of the massive open online course to applications in the personal learning environment.

He says that "I question what it is to become 'one' - whether it be one course graduate, one citizen of the community, or one educated person. I argue that (say) 'being a doctor' isn't about having remembered the right content, not about having done the right things, not even about having the right feelings, nor about having the right mental representations - being one is about growing and developing a certain way."

He offers audio at


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