Next Big Things in Tech

Even if you don't teach tech or work that much with tech in your classes, it's nice to have an idea of what the next big thing in the tech world might be in our schools. But it's difficult to predict. When polled readers recently, they asked: "What do you think will be the "next big thing" in technology that might help you be more successful at work, either with students or in your own PD?"

One thing I see that's not in their poll is that there is a trend to call professional development (PD) "professional learning." Semantics?

Here are the poll results:

Automated individualized student education plans  34.67%
Live two-way peer coaching  21.67%
Accurate voice-recognition word processing  17.96%
Spoken language translation without having to type text  11.76%
Holographic projections that don't require monitors  5.88%
Virtual "unconferencing"  4.95%
Semantic personalized Web searching  3.10%


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