Play With Your Music


Peer to Peer University (P2PU) is a nonprofit online open learning community which allows users to organize and participate in courses and study groups to learn about specific topics. I have been working in P2PU since 2009 when it first offered courses - and before anyone was really using the term MOOC for an open, online course that allowed large numbers of people to participate for free.

P2PU is offering a new music massive open online course (MOOC) that was developed along with the MIT Media Lab and NYU's Steinhardt Department of Music & Performing Arts. It is called  “Play With Your Music” (#PWYM) and it is a free, 6-week online course where participants will explore, mix and remix songs, using the newest tools on the web.

Learners get to work with audio production, while working with music they already know and love. Anyone with an interest in making music is welcome, and all you need is a computer and a browser. You'll learn about mixing tracks from the folks at NYU's Steinhardt School of Music and other luminaries in the field and some of the newest tools on the web.

The next course session starts January 15.


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