Khan Academy New Look

Khan Academy recently launched a new interface that is smarter and can figure out where you have gaps and help you fill them.

Take a look at and find (or create, if you're a newbie) your personal homepage. They have started the new look with math (their most popular content), but they are adding more subjects and new badges, and ways to level up on the skills you’ve practiced.

Especially, for high school students, Khan Academy has become a kind of build-it-yourself MOOC.

Of course, the content is geared towards school subjects, but that doesn't mean you can't learn about alien life in the universe, the muscles involved in shooting a free throw, or understanding Ponzi schemes (something many adults don't understand).

You can watch a video about science, economics, history, health, or something unexpected.

You can sharpen your math skills with an interactive exercise from the knowledge map.

You can even start programming without any previous knowledge or explore some existing games and simulations.



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