Stephen Hawking Theory Going Into A Black Hole?

Stephen & Jim discussing physics

I have always been a sucker for a good time-travel story.

I'm not a huge sci-fi fan but the time travel niche has always appealed to me in books and films.

So I read (as best I could) Stephen Hawking's unlikely 1988 bestseller A Brief History of Time.

Sure, I questioned Stephen comparing notes with Jim Carrey. But now I'm hearing that physicists are questioning his theories, especially that when black holes disappear, everything goes with them.

It's a neat paradox because it also makes it hard for a scientist to really know everything about black holes and therefore hard to prove a theorist wrong.

Actually, according to the video, even Stephen is saying he was wrong.

There's a BBC website with information about the video "The Hawking Paradox" that I have embedded below.

It's an example of the kind of better quality video (that is, the content quality and the technical video quality) that is posted at Google that you might not find on sites like YouTube. That's odd, considering Google owns YouTube - see my previous post.

(To view this Google Video requires the free Flash player )


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