edX Now Has 27 Member Institutions

EdX, a nonprofit provider of MOOCs, has increased its member institutions from 12 to 27 as it crosses its one year anniversary. Though edX is a nonprofit, it also announced that it is bringing in revenue and is working towards financial sustainability.

Participating institutions now include Tsinghua University and Peking University in China, The University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong University of Science & Technology in Hong Kong, Kyoto University in Japan, and Seoul National University in South Korea. EdX also welcomes nine universities from North America, Europe and Australia. In the United States, the Consortium has added Cornell University, Berklee College of Music, Boston University, Davidson College, and University of Washington. From Europe, Sweden’s Karolinska Institutet, Belgium’s Université catholique de Louvain, and Germany’s Technical University of Munich have been added. The University of Queensland in Australia becomes the second Australian university to join the xConsortium. The expansion reflects edX’s rapidly growing global student body and supports its vision of transforming education by bringing the power of learning to all regardless of location or social status.

EdX defines itself as a nonprofit alternative to Coursera and other for-profit companies that are working with colleges. EdX says it wants to help colleges use technology to rethink campus education as well as deliver online courses.

The xConsortium was founded by Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and has a mission to focus on "transforming online and on-campus learning through groundbreaking methodologies, game-like experiences and cutting-edge research on an open source platform. EdX provides inspirational and transformative knowledge to students of all ages, social status, and income who form worldwide communities of learners. EdX is focused on people, not profit."


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