Accredible MOOCs

MOOCs may be making a big splash in the media and around faculty lunch tables on college campuses, but some things haven't changed in higher education that will need to change if MOOCs are to make any lasting impact. One of those things is certification.

You pay tuition. You take a course. You do the work successfully. You get a a letter grade. You get credit towards a degree.

That's how it works. But there have always been people who have said that a grade doesn’t really tell anyone else what you’ve actually learned. Who has said that? Students. Faculty. And the really important voice is that of employers. They want to know what you can do with the knowledge you’ve supposedly gained.

I don't know that Accredible, a startup, will be the solution, but it takes an interesting approach. It's a way to take MOOC certificates and make them more "credible" and trustworthy by attaching the actual coursework you’ve done to them.

You make your certificate for an online
course you are taking and attach proof of your learning (notes, assignments, videos of yourself explaining key concepts, quiz results etc.).

View their live demo


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