6 Technologies on the Horizon
The annual NMC Horizon Report, released by the New Media Consortium and the Educause Learning Initiative, focuses on the key technology areas that researchers have identified as applicable to teaching and learning and are likely to have a major impact on educational institutions within the next five years.
They break things down into near term, mid-term, and longer term trends. In the near term, are massively open online courses (MOOCs) and tablet computing. In the report they say that MOOC "was hardly a thought bubble" during discussions for last year's report.
Slightly further out, the NMC Horizon report identified learning analytics and "games and gamification" as technologies whose impacts will be felt in the mid-term - two to three years.
On the more distant horizon, they identified 3D printing and wearable technologies as important developments whose significance will be felt in three to five years.
Read/download: NMC Horizon Report: 2013 Higher Education Edition
Article: http://campustechnology.com/Articles/2013/02/04/6-Technologies-That-Will-Impact-Higher-Ed.aspx
They break things down into near term, mid-term, and longer term trends. In the near term, are massively open online courses (MOOCs) and tablet computing. In the report they say that MOOC "was hardly a thought bubble" during discussions for last year's report.
Slightly further out, the NMC Horizon report identified learning analytics and "games and gamification" as technologies whose impacts will be felt in the mid-term - two to three years.
On the more distant horizon, they identified 3D printing and wearable technologies as important developments whose significance will be felt in three to five years.
Read/download: NMC Horizon Report: 2013 Higher Education Edition
Article: http://campustechnology.com/Articles/2013/02/04/6-Technologies-That-Will-Impact-Higher-Ed.aspx
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