CFP for Open Education Week
Open Education Week is March 11-15, 2013.
The goal is to raise awareness about open education and open educational resources.
Submit proposals at no later than January 18.
There are many ways to get involved:
- Provide a Project Showcase highlighting some aspect of open education in your project, organization, region or country
- Offer a webinar or virtual Question and Answer session on a topic of interest
- Create or share basic resources about the open education movement
- Host a local event during Open Education Week
- Form a Working Group to address a common problem or opportunity
- Propose another activity—we invite you to be creative!
Contribute your skills to creating, organizing, coordinating or spreading the word about Open Education Week.
For more information, see Contributor's Frequently Asked Questions at
You can follow on Twitter at #openeducationwk, on Facebook at, or contact them at
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