Register for Blog Action Day
Who is Blog Action Day? YOU!
Blog Action Day is a free event for bloggers, social media users, vloggers, podcasters, designers, infographic and data producers.
It is open to people from all countries, languages, backgrounds, and areas of interest. It doesn’t matter if your blog talks about cooking, politics, gardening, animals, development, business, music, culture, science, social change, faith or even yourself.
Blog Action Day is the one day of the year where thousands of bloggers can work together to focus on one important global topic, and help raise awareness and money for charities and social causes.The theme for Blog Action Day 2012 on October 15 will be “The Power of We.” This theme was chosen because of the popularity of the your suggestions: Community, Equality, Transparency/Anti-Corruption and Freedom, in our theme poll. Secondly, "The Power of We" is a celebration of people working together to make a positive difference in the world, either for their own communities or for people they will never meet half way around he world.
So, what what will you do for your Blog Action Day post?
Register your site today at
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