Writely - now part of Google

Upstartle, which makes Writely (a collaborative word processor that you use online) which I have mentioned before, is now part of Google.

What will this mean to users? Well, I hope it's not signs of things to come, but...

It seems that you need to get on the waitlist to try it out during this transition period.

And, from their site:

"How much does Writely cost? During the beta period, Writely is free.

What will it cost in the future? Our hope is to have the basic service be free, with some extra features requiring a reasonable subscription fee. We will also be charging license fees to corporations and partners."


Another online, collaborative word processor to try is Writeboard from 37signals.com. I actually prefer it to Writely. Check out their other tools too - Backpack is a good organizing tool.


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