Technologies in Education Forum

The Technologies in Education Forum was held on May 22, 2012 sponsored by The Atlantic Magazine.  The forum focused mainly on the ways in which technology is affecting primary and secondary age students, but there was a discussion on job training for the future. 

4 info bits presented at the forum:

- A 2011 poll showed that 50% of individuals prefer a less effective in-person teacher compared to a more effective online teacher.

- 40% of US children between the ages of 3-5 (important developmental ages) do not attend pre-school or kindergarten.

- The state of California decides the number of new jail beds to create based on the reading scores of its 3rd grade students.

- Almost every job that pays a livable wage requires STEM knowledge.

- Microsoft (a panel participant) has 5,000 job openings; of which ½ require STEM skills.  The STEM related jobs have a starting salary of $100,000.

Technologies in Education Forum:

Change the Equation:

American Graduate: Let’s Make It Happen:


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