And Now edx

Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology made an announcement recently that gave more energy to my feeling about the University 2.0 that is coming. They announced edX, a joint platform for massive online versions of their courses. See

These massive open online course (MOOCs) projects that I have written about before (Coursera, Udacity etc.) seem very "open" and allow online access to professors and courses that would be unimaginable to many people.

But the two universities are also describing edX as a research project on how students learn and how technologies can facilitate effective teaching both on-campus and online.

Coursera had said earlier that they want to use their usage data to “understand human learning" too.

Stanford and MIT moved into these online projects in 2011. Other higher ed big players like Princeton University, the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Michigan
at Ann Arbor, and the University of California at Berkeley are also planning to have MOOCs with help from Coursera. (Coursera was started by two Stanford engineering professors and has venture capital behind it now.)


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