Zoho Notebook

Another player in the why-do-need-Microsoft-Office competition is Zoho.

They already offer office tools: a writer, spreadsheet, presentation tool, wiki and virtual office. All are available to use for free - the virtual office has a fee for more than 10 users.

This is a business model that has worked well for companies like 37signals.

Zoho's new tool is Zoho Notebook (fresh out of the box) is a very cool online application for pulling content and creating a product that can easily be shared with others. It has a simple user interface that allows you to pull items like text, images, video & audio from your desktop, e-mail, websites, applications etc.

You can get a better overview by watching this 3 minute demo (also available on their website)

Has anyone out there used their products?

Zoho is one of the brands from AdventNet, a software company
started in 1996 focusing on building affordable software for


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