Grad Students Need More Career Guidance

A colleague who read my post yesterday on the changing perceptions of dissertations sent me a link to this article which she thought was "an interesting extension of your ideas about a University 2.0."

from "Prepping Grad Students for Jobs" April 19, 2012 by Mitch Smith
American graduate schools -- strong in developing specific skills in talented students -- must do more to inform students about career options and prepare graduates for non-academic workplaces, a new Council of Graduate Schools study suggests.

Among the study’s other findings:
- Some employers are wary of online graduate programs, suggesting the individual nature of those degrees makes students less prepared for collaborative work.
- Just about one-third of graduate students said they had adequate information about careers before enrolling.
- A majority of students cited personal enrichment, supplementing undergraduate work and fulfilling job requirements for a future career as reasons for pursuing graduate studies. (Students were allowed to choose more than one reason.)
- Seventy-three percent of students seek out career advice from graduate faculty.
- Though figures vary by field, around half of new doctoral degree recipients found initial employment outside the academy.


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