Slideshare 100K

A nice automatically-generated email today from SlideShare:

Hi ronko4,
Congrats! Your documents on SlideShare have had 100,000 views.
Wow! You must be doing something right. Only an exceptionally few reach this milestone.
100,000 views is a pretty nice milestone. If you have never used SlideShare as a viewer or as a contributor, you should check it out. It allows you to upload your own presentations so that: others can view them, favorite them, follow your work, download the presentation (as .pdf, .ppt or .key IF you want to allow that sharing). You can also follow, view and save presentations by others - and there are many. SlideShare is the world's largest community for sharing presentations. With 60 million monthly visitors and 130 million pageviews, it is amongst the most visited 200 websites in the world. Besides presentations, SlideShare also supports documents, PDFs, videos and webinars.

Some things that you can do on SlideShare:
Upload presentations publicly or privately
Download presentations on any topic and reuse or remix
Embed on blogs, websites, company intranets
Share on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn
Zipcast: free, no download, 1 click web meetings
Leadshare: generate business leads with your presentations, documents, pdfs, videos
Slidecast: sync mp3 audio with slides to create a webinar
Embed YouTube videos inside SlideShare presentations
Use SlideShare PRO for premium features like branded channels, analytics, ad free pages etc.

SlideShare 101

View more presentations from Amit Ranjan

This presentation on "LibGuides and Evolving Learning Spaces" that I posted in November 2008 has had 3,130 views, which is nice.

"Learning spaces continue to evolve as web tools further erase the physical walls of classrooms, libraries and other educational settings.This presentation examines the use of LibGuides, a web 2.0 content management and information sharing system from Springshare designed specifically for libraries but being used at Passaic County Community College as a collaborative tool for courses. This hosted service offers opportunities to create and share reusable content, tagging, widgets, embedded video, RSS, and easy integration with other tools like Delicious and Facebook.

But this presentation on "Moodle: a free learning management system" from the year before has had 39,782 views! It was a presentation I did on NJIT’s pilot program using Moodle as a learning management system, and examining the open source/free aspect of Moodle and the support needed to implement it on a campus.

Now, that is sharing.


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