Get a Free Elite Education

Udemy, the company that allows any us to create and sell courses through its online platform, also has "The Faculty Project." This part of their site is devoted to courses by professors from some of the country's elite institutions.

Udemy is a for-profit, but The Faculty Project offerings from Colgate, Duke University, Stanford University, Northwestern University, Vanderbilt University, the University of Virginia, Dartmouth College and Vassar College are free.

Obviously, their goals with the project are to get you in with a free course in the hope that you will pay for another course, and those top schools help elevate the brand.

Some of the courses seem to be a collection of informational lectures, which is not my idea of a good online "course" but you can certainly learn from them. There have been mentions online of plans to administer quizzes and grades/badges. You don't submit work and you don't get feedback. its anticipated droves of students, which may number in the tens or hundreds of thousands.

It might be worthwhile for other colleges to look at their courses as a model for developing quality courses on a budget. Udemy says it is developing the Faculty Project courses at $500 apiece.


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