Sprint Sues Blackboard Over Mobile
Although Sprint agreed to pay Blackboard some millions of dollars last year to offer a free mobile version of Blackboard's CMS software so that it would run over Sprint’s network, things didn't work out as planned.
Sprint is suing Blackboard claiming that Blackboard’s iPhone and iPad versions of Mobile Learn violated Sprint’s right to exclusivity.
Blackboard officials say: the contract precludes their application only from using the cellular signals of other competitors, but using campus Wi-Fi networks is allowed.
Sprint expected students to use the free Mobile Learn software and if they could only do that via Sprint customers, they would be likely to sign up with Sprint.
Sprint is suing Blackboard claiming that Blackboard’s iPhone and iPad versions of Mobile Learn violated Sprint’s right to exclusivity.
Blackboard officials say: the contract precludes their application only from using the cellular signals of other competitors, but using campus Wi-Fi networks is allowed.
Sprint expected students to use the free Mobile Learn software and if they could only do that via Sprint customers, they would be likely to sign up with Sprint.
more at http://seekingalpha.com/article/290299-blackboard-a-tale-of-2-companies
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