Next Generation Learning Challenges Winners Twitter Chat

Next Generation Learning Challenges is a collaborative, multi-year initiative created to address the barriers to educational innovation and tap the potential of technology to dramatically improve college readiness and completion in the United States. On Tuesday, June 14, they will announce the winners of the second wave of NGLC grants. This wave of funding focuses on expanding innovative programs and applications that help teens succeed in math and reading and build the core competencies that are critical to college and career readiness. The grant recipients represent a range of approaches that push the boundaries of education by leveraging technology in new ways.

NGLC is also focused on sparking dialogue and building community to catalyze new ideas, foster solutions and form unique collaborations. In support of this mission, NGLC is collaborating with #edchat to host two real-time Twitter chats Tuesday on innovation and technology in education.

Formed in 2009, #edchat has organically grown into a vibrant online community of teachers, administrators and education professionals. During weekly discussions, they share their perspectives and provide resources on a variety of important and timely education topics. Join NGLC, the grant winners and partners for the chats at 12 pm ET/9 am PT and 7 pm ET/4 pm PT on Tuesday at!/search/edchat



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