9th Annual Around the World Videoconferencing Event

Check out an innovative use of video conferencing by Passaic Valley Regional High School, New Jersey, USA. Their 9th Annual Around the World Videoconferencing Event starts on Wednesday, May 11th at 7:30 am EST and continues to Thursday, May 12th at 4 am EST.

Their current schedule includes the Isle of Jersey, Russia, the Kotel in Israel, Mexico, Georgia, USA, Canada, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Pakistan, India, and Croatia. An updated schedule can be found at http://pvhs.k12.nj.us/atw/atw.asp?FeatureID=13

To view the live stream of each video conference go to http://www.njvid.net/live-atw2011.php

From their site:

The purpose of our project is to bring students from different cultures and backgrounds together to promote global awareness and understanding.

We hope to do this through a combination of activities that utilize videoconferencing and an interactive website for the exchange of information and ideas. The culminating activity will involve Passaic Valley High School hosting a series of approximately one-hour individual videoconferences with participating schools during one 24-hour period. Students will be engaged in discussion on selected topics and problem-solving.

The project has two basic elements: the actual videoconferences themselves and an interactive website to promote the exchange of information and ideas. The advances in communication technology offers this generation valuable and fruitful multicultural dialogs. Videoconferencing allows people separated by distance to verbally and visually communicate in real time. Interactive websites allow for the continuation of dialogue long after the videoconferences are over. It is our wish here at Passaic Valley High School that this type of hands-on learning prepares our students to be intelligently engaged in diagnostic analysis and lively discussion with their peers from around the world. We also want this project to serve as a basis for our students to understand their relationships and responsibilities to people, institutions and the environment.


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